Blood Alcohol Calculator

The Estimated blood alcohol content by intake calculator gives an estimate of how much alcohol is in a persons blood which determines it by using the following given information: how many drinks has the person had, what type of drink was it, what's the weight of the person drinking, what's the gender of the person drinking, how long has it been since the person started drinking. This is only an estimate. For exact results use the appropriate EBAC testing apparatus like a breathalyzer.


  • Gender

    ((If Gender == Male) then (0.015) else (0.017))

  • EBAC

    ((0.806 * (Number of drinks * Drink) * 1.2) / (Gender * (Weight)) - (Gender * Hours elapsed since drinking commenced)) * 10

Works best for

This calculator can be used as a prelimenary way of determening your EBAC but it's only example, for exact results use the appropriate EBAC testing apparatus like a breathalyzer.

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