Customizing a Checkbox element

A checkbox is a specific type of two-state button that can be checked or unchecked. It provides a formula with one predefined value if the box is checked, and another predefined value if the box is left unchecked.

Customizing a Checkbox

  1. The Element Label input field allows you to name your element. The toggle controls whether the label is visible or hidden.
  2. The Element Tooltip is a text field that lets you give more context to each element or explain what information you require to input. Once enabled, it will appear as a small info icon next to the element title.
  3. You can name the option by using the Checkbox Name input field. It is the text that will appear next to your checkbox.
  4. In the Checkbox Checked Value input field you can add a numeric value that will be used in your formula if the user checks the box.
  5. In the Checkbox Unchecked Value input field you can add a numeric value that will be used in your formula if the user leaves the box unchecked.
  6. The Checkbox Checked by Default toggle controls whether or not the checkbox is checked by default.
  7. The Use Image toggle allows you to use images as your options. Find a guide here 🔎.