Rounding calculator results up to the nearest integer
Using the ceil() function, you can round the results of a formula up to the next integer. It’s a useful tool for when the results of formulas have to be whole numbers. In this case, the ceil() function is used to round results up to the next integer. For example: if the result of a formula is 87.3, it will be rounded up to the next integer, which is 88.
After creating the desired formula and writing it in the formula editor, put ‘ceil’ before the formula, which should be written in brackets. As such, if the formula is 2.2 + 2.3 then you should write it like this: ceil(2.2 + 2.3). Now, the result will be rounded up from 4.5 to 5.
NOTE: To use the standard way of rounding numbers up or down, i.e. if the result is 4.4 or lower then it will be rounded down to 4 and if the result is 4.5 or higher the result will be rounded up to 5, use the round() function in the same way as ceil().