How Much Does a Website Cost?

Author: Gintė Vėžauskaitė Last updated:

How Much Does a Website Cost?

When researching prices for building a website in 2022, you may decide to build one on your own. But is that really the best option? It pays to understand how what is included in those costs and compare your overall expenses by doing it yourself, hiring a web designer, or going with a website builder.

As with most things, the more work you do on your own, the less it will cost. For those with little to no budget, the temptation to create your own website will be strong. However, if you have little experience, it will be a time-consuming venture.

Going with a website builder or hiring a web designer tends to be the more popular choices. Each selection means you do less work, especially if you go with a professional designer as part of the website builder package.

How Much Does a Website Cost?

There are several factors that go into the cost of creating and maintaining a website. Some of these factors include the following costs.

Alternatively, you can go with premium hosting plans that use a virtual private server or cloud which costs on average $10 up to $80 per month. For large-scale companies, purchasing an SSL may push the hosting costs up to $1000 per year.

Website Theme: Licensing a theme for your website ranges from free up to $100 for a single license.

SEO & Marketing: You can do all the work yourself for free, but it will be time-consuming.

Other marketing options such as affiliate marketing are free. You only pay a commission on each sale. While content creation can be free, or you can hire others at various rates to do the work.

Creating a Website

If you look at the graph, you can see how much it costs to build a website depending on which method you choose. You can go with a web designer, or you can try a website builder.

Web Designer: The setup and overall design with a web designer is expensive, at least in terms of up-front costs. You can expect to pay an average of $160 for setup and up to $5000 for the design. Creating the content, training to use the website, and maintenance add up to roughly $1600.

Website Building: With a website builder, the costs are considerably lower. There is no setup, design, content creation, training to use, or maintenance fees. Instead, you pay a monthly subscription that averages around $50. If you include apps, that adds another $20 on average.

While adding themes or hosting fees are included in the subscription, you may choose a professional designer that may cost $500. All this means considerable savings when you go with a website builder.

Website Cost 2022 Final Decision

Overall, how much a website cost depends on which method you select. You can save a considerable amount by doing all the work yourself, but that can be quite time-consuming.

Ultimately, it comes down to how much you want to pay for creating and maintaining a website. This means, that the answer to the question of how much does it cost to build a website will depend on your budget, the time you want are willing to spend, and the goals you want to achieve, because you can pretty much make it with any range.

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