User stories: Grow traffic from 20 to 20 000 a day with an interactive calculator. Preet Banerjee, financial advisor
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Challenge: How to give financial advice to a mass audience in the quickest way possible?
Solution: Interactive calculator letting people count what income support they might receive from the Canadian federal government in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Result: Traffic rose from 20 to 20,000 per day on average since launching the calculator.
Today we’re talking about a consultation business. And for those who don’t know it’s a very challenging place.
Being successful in the industry means not only being an expert in a certain field, a perfect communicator but also being able to build authority, understand people, and above all that understand business. In other words, you have to be a bit of a know it all and never stop learning. So differentiating among other experts offering consulting services is especially hard.
Today we'll introduce you to a financial advisor who found a creative solution on how to provide the perfect necessary consultation to a mass audience and received national press attention for it.
“I have a few business interests, revolving around personal finance and financial advice. Personally, I provide financial literacy content to the public in general. My main business provides financial planning software for Canadian financial advisors to use with the public.”
Preet Banerjee, Personal Finance Commentator
Background and challenges
Meet Preet Banerjee, a Personal Finance Commentator in Canada. A keynote speaker and management consultant focusing on commercial applications of behavioral finance as well as a founder of MoneyGaps, a reimagined "light financial planning" digital experience advisors can bring to their clients. It’s an online tool for financial advisors who believe ALL Canadians deserve financial planning.
After the worldwide pandemic and quarantine of COVID-19 have taken over the news, financial issues became the second most important topic to handle. Businesses and people who lost their income sources now have to find a way to wait out the period until they can get back to work. Governments started offering income support but explaining the conditions is as complicated as the execution of the compensation. Also how to reach and reassure nationwide audiences fast and so everyone would understand.
So consultants can really come to the rescue in such situations. Unfortunately, consultants have a limited amount of time so it’s impossible to help EVERYONE count the amount of compensation they qualify for and how to get it.
Help in solving a countrywide problem with an interactive calculator
Preet Banerjee, a personal finance commentator, and adviser created an interactive calculator that helps people with a timely issue: how to figure out what income support they might receive from the Canadian federal government in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
“People needed a fast tool to help them calculate a simple answer from a complex set of measures that did not provide a one-size-fits-all benefit.”
Preet Banerjee, Personal Finance Commentator
Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) covers Canadians who have lost their job, are sick, quarantined, or taking care of someone who is sick with COVID-19, as well as working parents who must stay home without pay to care for children who are sick or at home because of school and daycare closures and much more conditioning.
The calculator takes in to account all the important factors significant for the qualification of the cover and fits the different cases to provide an estimate for possible support over four months.
“I tried the free version and liked how simple it was to use and how the calculators looked.”
Preet Banerjee, Personal Finance Commentator about CALCONIC_.
Coronavirus Income Support ESTIMATOR
Results and national press attention!
A fast and cost-free solution for the user is truly what everyone needed. Now each website visitor can count the estimate for the income support they can expect from the Government of Canada. Such a solution got noticed in a flash speed just like the coronavirus itself.
Preet Banerjee received national press attention and his website is now viewed by 20 000 people per day.
“I just relaunched my personal website. Traffic was minimal, maybe 20 visits a day, it’s now been 20,000 per day on average since launching the calculator.”
Interactive calculators can be a brilliant solution not only as a tool to count but also as a quick and trustworthy information source letting you advise mass audiences in a short amount of time. Other popular financial calculators consultants could use are mortgage, ROI, retirement savings or loan calculators.
Creating a tool that will let visitors complete the initial steps, and understand the primary conditions by themselves will raise trust in your brand and let you focus on the further and more complicated execution of your services.
Gintė @calconic: I hope you liked Preet's story. Please, leave a comment below if you want to showcase your calculator and story! Stay Safe!
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