
Post cover: Online Price Calculator Guide

Online Price Calculator Guide

By Gintė Vėžauskaitė Guides Industry-Specific

Online price calculator is the most basic tool for businesses with custom pricing. Long price lists, tables or contact forms without any value may even end your customer journey unsuccessfully. Find out how to facilitate the way to a successful sale, using price calculators and answering the most important pricing questions instantly on your website.

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Post cover: Web Calculators for Home renovation industry [2023]

Web Calculators for Home renovation industry [2023]

By Gintė Vėžauskaitė Industry-Specific

When it comes to home renovation, the industry is booming! People spend more time at home and started thinking about how to improve their space to feel more comfortable, cozy, and inspiring. But these projects are not easy to handle. Experts need to answer so many specific questions, and only then get the project going. So we thought about how to decrease the number of questions for the user and give you as a home renovation expert more time on your actual work. Find out in this blog!

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Post cover: Aviator Paramotor product fit Calculator: Finding the Right Wings to Fly

Aviator Paramotor product fit Calculator: Finding the Right Wings to Fly

By Gintė Vėžauskaitė Industry-Specific

No matter the sport, when you step out of the beginner’s level, and it’s time for you to choose your first equipment, it’s always nice to have someone to rely on for advice. Right? The same applies even in later stages, and the choice is very responsible if were talking about a sport such as paragliding! So these, PPG equipment sellers decided to create a product fit calculator that helps their customers choose the right wings for their flight! Check it out!

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Post cover: Office rent Calculator: An easy and sustainable solution for mental health specialists

Office rent Calculator: An easy and sustainable solution for mental health specialists

By Gintė Vėžauskaitė Industry-Specific

Office space designed exclusively for mental health professionals is an amazing idea. But why 1 office should be used and occupied by only one specialist? Mind spaces created an interactive calculator letting you calculate office rent based on your work schedule, letting more professionals use the space and adapt to everyone’s needs. Brilliant! Find out more and see how it looks in our blog!

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Post cover: Custom package calculator for an Australian-based local brew company

Custom package calculator for an Australian-based local brew company

By Gintė Vėžauskaitė Industry-Specific

Eight Stacks Brewing Co. knows that to create the perfect recipe, craft brewers need a lot of practice, experiments, and lots of ingredients. And when it comes to ordering everything online, the process becomes a hell lot complicated. You have to decide on quantities, types of hops, and much more. Imagine lots of tabs open, probably a sheet of paper somewhere counting the prices, and if you change one thing you start all over again. Well, this Australian-based local brew company found the perfect solution to eliminate the unnecessary hassle with a calculator. Check it out!

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Post cover: Daily Feeding Portion Calculator: Taking Care of Your Pet the Right Way

Daily Feeding Portion Calculator: Taking Care of Your Pet the Right Way

By Gintė Vėžauskaitė Industry-Specific

Setting my pets diet by myself?! That is a worrysome question at least once rised by each pet owner. Its not easy to decide what is best for your beloved one espacially if you want to introduce a new kind of food. Mrs. Meadys - a company specialising in natural raw food for dogs and cats helps to set the rights amounts and portions for your pet with an interactive daily portions calculator on her website! Check it out!

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Post cover: Coverage Calculator: an Instant Help for Customer

Coverage Calculator: an Instant Help for Customer

By Gintė Vėžauskaitė Industry-Specific

At the moment there are many heating and fireplace solutions but each technology requires specific knowledge! And if your customers want to try your product there is no way to avoid consultations and helping them pick what they need for their case. Well, Aussie Fire Glass came up with a coverage calculator that lets you count the quantity of their product you need. You include your preferences and the calculator saves you time while deciding. See it in action here!

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Post cover: 6 web calculators for wedding services: take your business to the next level [2024]

6 web calculators for wedding services: take your business to the next level [2024]

By Andrius Pocius Industry-Specific

A whole army of professionals in the wedding industry breathes a collective sigh of relief once the BIG day is over. Meant to save you time, interactive calculators can put all the first steps in the right order, and help your customers prepare for their first meeting with you! Take a look at these 6 web calculators that promise to bring your wedding services to the next level.

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Post cover: E-commerce for services: how to sell services online using calculators

E-commerce for services: how to sell services online using calculators

By Domas Laukaitis Industry-Specific E-commerce

When most of us think of e-commerce, the first thing that usually comes to mind is buying and selling goods online. It’s a business model that has played an important role in powering the digital revolution, and one that continues to influence countless industries. However, there’s much more to e-commerce than brands selling their products online.

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Post cover: 6 Web Calculators Every Automotive Industry Provider Should Know About [2024]

6 Web Calculators Every Automotive Industry Provider Should Know About [2024]

By Andrius Pocius Industry-Specific

As a car service provider, cut down on registration times, questionnaires, conversations to identify the problem, and sell your services better without a marketing team. Your clients are looking for the most COMFORTABLE and FAST way to get around. So make it the most comfortable and improve your customer service with 6 interactive calculators created for the automotive industry!

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